Support LARSO. Donate Today.

Your support is crucial to supporting the LARSO services and programs that enhance the well-being and quality of life of our Los Alamos-area seniors. LARSO is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, EIN: 85-0455765. You can donate to LARSO with a check, credit card, or Paypal. Submit checks to:

Los Alamos Retired and Senior Organization
1101 Bathtub Row
Los Alamos, NM 87544

Donate with debit, credit, or PayPal


The Senior Activity Centers have an endowment fund through the Los Alamos Community Foundation. We are consciously building this reserve to be a financial bedrock for our organization’s future. When you donate to our Endowment, you donate to the perpetuity of the Senior Activity Centers. It is our hope that the Endowment will grow with us to support our seniors long-term. If you’d like to donate to our endowment, click HERE.

Smith's Supports the Senior Activity Centers

Every time you shop at Smith’s and use your rewards card, they donate 0.5% of your total order to our nonprofit. Setting it up is easy:

  1. Using your browser (not the mobile app), go to

  2. Sign into your Smith's Rewards digital account or choose Create An Account and fill in the information.

  3. Link your REWARDS card to your organization - our number is BG981 - or search for Friends of the Senior Center or Los Alamos Retired and Senior Organization.

  4. Choose SAVE.